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Author Message


Registered: 23.09.2004
From: Visiting Earth [920,000,000 miles from the sun]

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 11:05    

Hello All, I am desperately in need of assistance for passing my math exam that is approaching . I really do not want to opt for the guidance of private tutors and online coaching because they prove to be quite costly. Could you recommend a perfect tutoring tool that can support me with learning the principles of Algebra 2. In particular , I need assistance on inequalities and radical equations.
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Registered: 25.10.2006
From: Siberia, Russian Federation

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 15:34    

You are right , there are programs that can assist you with lessons . I think there are a few types that help you solve math problems, but I believe that Algebrator stands out amongst them. I used the software when I was a student in Algebra 1 for helping me with free simplify radical expressions with variables calculator, and it always helped me out since then. Gradually I understood all the topics, and then I was able to solve the most challenging of the tests alone . Don't worry; you won't have any problem using it. It was designed for students, so it's very easy to use. Basically you just have to type in the topic nothing more .Of course you should use it to learn algebra, not just copy the answers , because you won't improve that way.
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Registered: 01.12.2002
From: UK

Posted: Monday 06th of Aug 12:45    

I always use Algebrator to help me with my math projects . I have tried several other math help sites but so far this is the best I have encountered . I guess it is the detailed way of explaining the solution to problems that makes the whole process appear so easy. It is indeed a very good piece of software and I can vouch for it.
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Registered: 19.03.2005
From: to concur the nation

Posted: Wednesday 08th of Aug 08:35    

Of course. My intention is to learn Math. I would employ it only as a tool to clear my concepts. Can I get the link to the software?
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Registered: 05.12.2002
From: Boston, MA, US

Posted: Thursday 09th of Aug 09:22    

Life can be hard when one has to work along with their studies. Visit, I am sure it will be of use to you.
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